Audit Objects in your Domain(s) using switch statements in PowerShell

I find it important to figure out who and what is in your active directory OUs

get-aduser $TargetedUser

What about groups, and computers?

get-adobject $targetObject

this includes users, groups, and computers.

here is a switch that will report differently based on object class property that gets returned.

get-adobject -filter *| foreach-object{
Switch($_.Objectclass) {

User{ write-host "Found a User" -foregroundcolor red
      $_ | export-csv Users.csv -notypeinformation -append
     } #end User

Group{ write-host "Found a Group" -foregroundcolor blue
       $_ | export-csv Group.csv -notypeinformation -append
     } #end group

Computer{ write-host "Found a Computer" -foregroundcolor cyan
          $_ | export-csv Computers.csv -notypeinformation -append
     }#end Computer
}#end switch

}#end Foreach-object from pipeline

Published by Xajuan Smith

Computer Information Specialist, with a desire to make the masses feel what I was born to channel...The emotion that strives us to do more, speak more boldly and with most sincere ideals that will make life easier and will not hinder the dreams we all have at any given time.

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